Idanim Inspirations ft. Manish Behl | What is Mindfulness | Mental Health & Emotion Regulation

In this conversation by Idanim Inspirations  Manish Behl  spoke about his journey and how meditation enhances your overall well-being, mental health improves the quality of life, personal relationships,…

Depression – Recognizing Sign and Reclaiming Happiness

Practicing mindfulness as part of your everyday life can have benefits both for the mind and the body. Incorporating mindfulness into your everyday life doesn’t need to be difficult, and can be as simple as daily mindful breathing exercises.

Mindfulness for depression: Learn these practices for self-compassion and acceptance

Mindfulness for depression: Learn these practices for self-compassion and acceptance Article By – Manish Behl Published –  Hindustan times   Researchers have found the efficacy of mindfulness in reducing depression and…

Mindfulness for depression: Learn these practices for self-compassion and acceptance

Mindfulness for depression: Learn these practices for self-compassion and acceptance Here are some mindfulness practices to deal with depression and cultivate self-acceptance Researchers have found the efficacy of mindfulness in…